Space Arts supports Drama Express by funding, or part-funding, places.

Space Arts facilitated the rehearsals and performance for this talented group of dancers in the St John’s Anniversary week.

Horsham Performers' Platform (HPP) takes place at St. John's church every June. It is a festival for amateur musicians and singers of all ages and provides a happy and safe platform for them to perform in public and receive feedback from a professional adjudicator. There are no prizes but a very firm emphasis on education and encouragement.

HPP started in 2009, and year upon year has grown steadily to fill up the week.

The Festival is open to the public to come and enjoy the continuous stream of music emanating from St. John's.  Refreshments are available in the adjoining Church Hall.

We are closely associated with St John's Church, Broadbridge Heath - Space Arts grew out of this church fellowship under Hugo's direction and many of his 'company' members and St John's musicians continue to be involved in Space Arts events.